Who we are
Delta Livestock Diagnostics was created in 2017 to add another tool to the producer’s toolbox. Located in Northeast Arkansas, Delta offers a variety of serology tests for cattle, sheep, and goats. Our “Owner Submitted, Lab Tested” advertising tagline is a clear testament to what we do.
What Services We Offer
Private individuals and veterinarian practices nationwide routinely mail in samples for testing. By far, the test most utilized is pregnancy. This test uses serum or EDTA plasma as early as 28 days after breeding in cows and 60 post-calving. In goats, the serum is required, and the test can be used as early as 28 days post-breeding and 35 days post-breeding in sheep. By detecting pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAGs), this test is highly specific. PAGs are only produced in the presence of an embryo or fetus, unlike progesterone, which fluctuates naturally during a cycle. Unfortunately, the test cannot predict the number of kids or sex the doe is gestating or when she is due to kid. Many of our clients utilize this test as a tool in conjunction with their AI programs.
Other tests available are bovine leukosis virus (BLV), bovine viral diarrhea (BVD), and Johne’s in cattle. For sheep and goats Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis (CAE)/Ovine Progressive Pneumonia (OPP), Caseous Lymphadenitis (CL), and Johne’s are offered. These diseases are suspected to be endemic and can have severe economic impacts on domestic herds.
Producer education and support are something we believe in, and we work as a team to ensure those resources are readily available. Our lab is blessed to work with various farm sizes, types, and specializations.
Everyone at Delta Livestock Diagnostics takes their supporting role in the future of agriculture very seriously and always welcomes questions. If you are considering adding serological biosecurity testing to your herd’s health management plan or have questions about how early pregnancy detection works, we would love to hear from you!
To get started, contact our office by email or speak with someone in our office at (870) 588-4295.